Social Media

Three Important Tips for Online Branding through Social Media

Social media platforms are crucial to your online branding efforts. A well-crafted social media plan enables you to build and engage followers, demonstrate value, and learn about your target audience. With offices in Annapolis, Maryland, our firm works daily with local and national clients and businesses looking to build and expand their online branding through [...]

By |May 7th, 2018|Business, Marketing, Social Media|Comments Off on Three Important Tips for Online Branding through Social Media

Why Business Professionals Need to Have a Good Online Presence

Employees of businesses may take their reputation online for granted because they assume that the greater company already has an established profile and reputation, making it less important for the individual. However, it’s an absolute necessity for any business employee to maintain a good online presence. It’s not something that should be neglected and it’s [...]

By |March 31st, 2017|Analysis, Business, Planning, Social Media, Strategy|Comments Off on Why Business Professionals Need to Have a Good Online Presence

The Importance of Utilizing Videos in your Social Media Campaign

You may have already accepted that imagery is an essential component of social media marketing today. With so much text and information uploaded online every second of every day, it's easy to feel like you're bombarded with information. Readers Suffer From Information Overload Too Imagine, from this perspective that your readers, too, are likely experiencing [...]

By |October 25th, 2016|Business, Marketing, Social Media, Videos|Comments Off on The Importance of Utilizing Videos in your Social Media Campaign

Why Your Company Should Be Paying Attention to YouTube

Have you been holding off on using YouTube for your business because you think it’s too difficult? Perhaps because you don’t know how to get started? Or you’re unsure of what kind of content is most likely to intrigue your audience? Never fear- Media Driven Results is here! Why YouTube Amidst So Many Options? There [...]

By |August 4th, 2016|Business, Marketing, Social Media, Strategy, Videos|Comments Off on Why Your Company Should Be Paying Attention to YouTube

Looking to Reach the Kind of Audience Tapped by Television? Consider Both YouTube and Facebook

Why You Need YouTube and Facebook in a Marketing Campaign It turns out that a holistic approach to social media sites like YouTube ad Facebook can be beneficial for advertisers. Up until this point, advertising dollars have been primarily diverted towards television as a result of the potential reach. The daily reach of YouTube however, [...]

By |May 16th, 2016|Analysis, Business, Marketing, Social Media, Strategy, Videos|Comments Off on Looking to Reach the Kind of Audience Tapped by Television? Consider Both YouTube and Facebook

Using LinkedIn To Get Referral Work

Using LinkedIn To Get Referral Work Arguably the social media site most geared towards professionals, LinkedIn is a great fit for attorneys. The reason is because there are many others in similar industries you can connect with on the site, but there are also a number of features that make it a great place for [...]

By |March 24th, 2015|Analysis, Business, Marketing, Planning, Social Media, Strategy|Comments Off on Using LinkedIn To Get Referral Work

The “Cold Call” No Longer Exists

The "Cold Call" No Longer Exists Gone are the days of cold calls. The Internet has changed the way consumers and businesses look for products and services. “The money is in the list” was great before the Internet. However, now businesses don’t have to call in a sales person to educate them as often. Most [...]

By |January 26th, 2015|Business, Marketing, Planning, Social Media, Strategy|Comments Off on The “Cold Call” No Longer Exists

3 Common Social Media Mistakes That Could Kill Your Credibility

3 Common Social Media Mistakes That Could Kill Your Credibility Harnessing the social web is one of the fastest ways to put your online presence on the map. There are three basic reasons why companies use social media to boost their traffic and engage audiences: Social media is viral by nature, which means that posting [...]

By |December 16th, 2014|Analysis, Business, Marketing, Planning, Social Media, Strategy|Comments Off on 3 Common Social Media Mistakes That Could Kill Your Credibility